y38. How well do the portal’s features and tools meet your needs? y40. How would you rate the efficiency of performing common tasks (e.g., document submission, data retrieval) on the portal? y7. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of the portal (e.g., loading times, interactive elements)? y42. How intuitive is the layout and design of the portal for performing tasks? y43. How consistent is the interface across different sections of the portal? x13. How easy is it to navigate through the different sections of the portal? y44. How well are interactive elements (e.g., buttons, links) designed and functioning? y8. How accessible is the portal for users with disabilities (e.g., screen readers, keyboard navigation)? y10. Have you encountered any barriers to accessing content or functionality on the portal? y11. How often do you experience technical issues (e.g., errors, downtime) while using the portal? y46. How well does the portal support different devices and screen sizes (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop)? x48. How effective is the portal in providing alternative text for images and multimedia content for accessibility? y12. How effective is the search functionality in finding relevant information? x15. How well do key features (e.g., shipment tracking, document submission) perform? y16. How would you rate the ease of use of the portal’s key functionalities? 18. How responsive and helpful is the user support or help desk when you encounter issues? y20. Overall, how satisfied are you with the efficiency of the Bangladesh Trade Portal? y21. What improvements would you suggest to enhance the efficiency of the portal? y22. Additional comments or feedback on portal efficiency: y23. How comprehensive is the range of resources available on the portal (e.g., trade regulations, documents, and statistics)? 4. Have you encountered any difficulties while performing your tasks on the portal? y24. How accessible are the resources you need on the portal? y26. How useful are the resources in helping you achieve your trade-related objectives? x27. How would you rate the quality of the information and resources provided on the portal? y28. How accurate and up-to-date is the information available on the portal? y29. How easy is it to find specific resources or information on the portal? y30. How clear and understandable are the resources and instructions provided on the portal? y31. How effective are the support materials (e.g., guides, FAQs) in helping you utilize the resources on the portal? x32. How satisfied are you with the level of assistance available for using the portal’s resources (e.g., help desk, customer support)? y33. Overall, how would you rate the resourcefulness of the Bangladesh Trade Portal? x34. What improvements or additional resources would enhance the resourcefulness of the portal?