81 | The description of the changed H.S. Code | SROs | National Board of Revenue (NBR) | National Board of Revenue (NBR) | 2015-04-01 19:11:34 | | |
78 | The Review, Appeal and Revision Order-1977 | Order | Ministry of Commerce | Chief Controller of Imports & Exports (CCI&E) | 2015-03-08 13:51:15 | | |
73 | Import Policy Order, 2012-15 | Order | Ministry of Commerce | Ministry of Commerce | 2015-02-01 13:37:01 | | |
72 | Export Policy 2012-15 | Policy | Ministry of Commerce | Ministry of Commerce | 2015-01-20 09:10:50 | | |
60 | Import of Goods (Price Equalization Surcharge) Act 1967 | Law | National Board of Revenue | National Board of Revenue | 2014-12-01 03:29:01 | | |
59 | Dangerous Cargoes Act-1953 | Law | Department of Explosives | Department of Explosives | 2014-12-01 02:12:18 | | |
58 | The Imports and Exports (Control) Act-1950 | Law | Chief Controller of Imports & Exports (CCI&E) | Ministry of Commerce | 2014-12-01 01:25:01 | | |
57 | The Customs Act, 1969 | Law | National Board of Revenue | National Board of Revenue (NBR) | 2014-11-30 02:22:54 | | |