The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions with regards the Bangladesh Trade Portal  and its content.If you do not find an answer to your question below, please let us know by clicking on the Contact Us  link and completing the form provided.

Q: Can I obtain the information on market background, business partnership and list of import-export Company in Bangladesh by searching into Bangladesh Trade Portal?

Bangladesh Trade Portal provides information regarding the laws, regulations, tariff information and procedures for importing and exporting in Bangladesh.

If you would like to have information about potential business partnerships, list of Export-Import company or opportunities we recommend that you contact the FBCCI, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) or Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA).  On their website, you will find information about business opportunities in Bangladesh and contact details.

Q: Do I need to fill in a Customs declaration when I arrive in Bangladesh at an international airport or border crossing?

No. You can just walk through the Nothing to Declare green channel. If you are carrying goods in excess of the duty free allowance or if you are in doubt you must walk through the red channel and declare the goods to the Customs Officer on duty. Click Here  for more information.

Q: Can I look up the Bangladesh Customs Tariff on-line?

Yes.  The complete commodity classification and tariffs applicable in Bangladesh are loaded on this website.  Please Click Here to search and view the tariffs.

Q: Can I bring food or plant materials into Bangladesh?

Yes, as long as they conform to the laws and regulations regarding these materials. Click Here to view the laws, regulations, etc. and look for specific requirements or Click Here to search for any specific measures that may be applicable from time to time.  

Q: Can I bring personal belongings into Bangladesh if I am taking up residence and will they be subject to duty?

Generally, personal effects are exempt from Customs duty as long as these items are not of a commercial nature and are normal household items. These exemptions apply to foreigners taking up residence in Bangladesh, civil servants returning from their mission and students who have graduated abroad and are returning home.  If you are in doubt about the eligibility of certain items you should contact Customs

Q: Does livestock need to be quarantined when brought into Bangladesh?

Not necessarily.  When you obtain an import permit from the Department of Livestock you will be advised of whether this is a requirement.

Q:What are the duty free allowances when entering Bangladesh?

Click Here to view the duty free allowances when entering Bangladesh.

Q: Are goods for diplomatic missions exempt from duty?

Yes. All goods and vehicles for diplomatic missions, international organizations and NGO's approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are exempt from Customs duties. 

Q: Can I clear my goods at any Customs office in Bangladesh or do they have to be cleared at a specific Customs office?

No. You must clear the goods at the Customs office of the border post where the goods are imported or exported.

Q: Do I have to use a Customs Broker for importing or exporting commercial goods?

No.  However, using a Customs Brokers will ensure that all regulatory requirements are properly discharged and may save unnecessary delays. 

Q: Do I have to submit my Customs declaration through Asycuda or can I continue to prepare it manually?

Currently, if you are importing and exporting goods through the Chittagong port you must enter your declaration into the Asycuda system at the Customs office.  A manually prepared declaration is no longer acceptable. Until such time as Asycuda is installed at all other border posts, you must continue to submit a paper declaration as usual.

Q: Do I always need to get an import license before importing goods into Bangladesh?

No.   Most of commodities you will need to apply for an import license from the CCIE.  Some commodities it is not necessary to get an import license. Please Click Here  to search for a list of the goods that are subject to these requirements.

Q: For what goods do I need to get an export license?

Generally, for certain rice products, certain mineral products and certain timber products. Please Click Here  to search for a list of the goods that are subject to these requirements.  

Q: What should I do if I disagree with a decision made by Customs?

If you disagree with a decision made by Customs, you can lodge an appeal within 30 days of the decision being made.  Please consult the Customs Act to know detail.

Q: Are technical standards for various products compulsory when importing these products into Bangladesh?

Yes, Bangladesh has established its own standard of 43 products under Import Policy Order. Please Click Here to see the List of Imported Products brought under Mandatory Certification before Customs clearance

Bangladesh has established a TBT Enquiry Point which can give further guidance in this respect.

Q: What is Import General Manifest (IGM)?

Please Click Here for IMG.

Q: What is Customs duty?

Charge levied on imports and listed in importing country's tariff schedules. Duties may be specific or ad valorem or a combination of the two (ad valorem with a specific minimum, or the greater of the two).

Customs duties are charged under the Customs Act, 1969 [Reference: First Schedule of Bangladesh Customs Tariff (BCT 2015)]. The Customs authority of NBR grants some special exemptions on the statutory rate for certain sectors through Statutory Regulatory Orders (SRO) and order.

Q: What are the different types of rates of duties of Customs?

Please Click Here

Q: What is the value addition requirement for re-exports of an imported goods in the same form from another country?

Minimum 10 % value addition.

Q: How do I find HS Code for my product?

Please Click Here to search commodity .

Q: What is Prohibited Import Items?

Please click here to check prohibited import items.

Q: What is Restricted Import Item?

Please click here to check restricted import items.

Q: What is procedure for Export and Import of samples?

Please check with the CCIE

Q: We have exported in a foreign currency which does not appear in the list of customs. How can we calculate the foreign exchange received for discharging our export obligation?

In such cases, total realized value in Taka as mentioned by bank should be converted into USD by using the USD or BDT exchange rate prevailing on the date of realisation as published by customs through notification.

Q: What are the rules for receipt of advance payment for exports?

An exporter receives advance payment from a buyer, the exporter shall ensure that –

  • the shipment of goods is made within one year from the date of receipt of advance payment;
  • the rate of interest payable on the advance payment does not exceed LIBOR + 100 basis points; and
  • the documents covering the shipment are routed through the bank through whom the advance payment is received.

Q: We are a foreign company who is interested in executing a project for a Bangladeshi Company. Can we open a project office in Bangladesh?

Please check with Board of Investment (BoI)

Q: What is the relationship between Multilateralism (WTO) and FTAs?

Article 1 of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) which enunciates the most favoured nation (MFN) principle of WTO states that "any advantage, favour, privilege, or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties."

However, derogations from this MFN principle are permitted for forming FTAs under specific conditions as per the following provisions of the WTO Agreements:

• Article XXIV of GATT for goods

• Article V of GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) for services.

The specific conditions under Article XXIV of the GATT permitting FTAs, are:

• FTA members shall not erect higher or more restrictive tariff or non-tariff barriers on trade with non-members than existed prior to the formation of the FTA.

• Elimination of tariffs and other trade restrictions be applied to "substantially all the trade between the constituent territories in products originating in such territories."

• Elimination of duties and other trade restrictions on trade within the FTA to be accomplished "within a reasonable length of time," meaning a period of no longer than 10 years

Moreover, the "Enabling Clause", allows developing countries to form preferential trading arrangements without adhering to the conditions under Article XXIV.

Q: Which are the major FTAs / PTAs/CEPAs of Bangladesh?


Q: How is tariff reduction under an FTA different from WTO tariff negotiation?

For the purposes of FTAs, the "base rate" is the critical element in all aspects of negotiations/phasing that are carried out. The base rate is the applied MFN duty of any year which is decided mutually. In an FTA tariff reduction is generally undertaken with reference to the base rate i.e. from the applied MFN tariffs. However, the WTO negotiations are always based on "bound duty rates" and not the MFN applied duties.

Q: Why are rules of Origin important in the FTA context?

The Rules of Origin are important in the context of making an assessment on the application of preferential tariff under an FTA. Hence, without the rules of origin, the preferential tariffs under an FTA cannot be implemented. Moreover, the non-members to the FTA are not provided with the benefit of the preferential tariffs, agreed between the FTA partners.

Q: What is the procedure for obtaining the certificate of origin?

Please check with EPB CO procedures

Q: What do I need to import animals?

Import Permit is required to import animals from the Department of Livestock.

Q. What are the requirements for general importation of goods to Bangladesh?

Properly filed declaration form together with proof of purchase. Please Click Here to know detail.

Q. Who can be registered on ASYCUDA?

Any individual or company that regularly declares commercial goods movements to Bangladesh Customs. Please Click here for details about ASYCUDA

Q.How to Import into and Export from the Export Processing Zone?

Click Here for details.

Q.How to import by public sector?

Click Here for details.

Q. What is an Export Incentive?

Export incentives, in the form of cash, are provided by the government to support and encourage businesses to export certain selected types of goods or services from Bangladesh.

Q. What is the rate of cash incentives for the Plant and Plant-based product export from Bangladesh in FY 2022-23?

  • Agriculture (Fresh Vegetables and Fruits) and Agro-processed products: 20%
  • Potatoes export: 20%
  • Export of aromatic Rice: 15%
  • Vegetable and grain seed export : 20%
  • Locally produced tea export: 4%

Q. Which Plant and Plant-based products are considered as the Highest Prioritized Sector in Export Policy 2021-24 in Bangladesh?

Agricultural products (Fresh Vegetables), Agro-processed Products, Fresh Fruits and Cut Flowers.

Q. As the Highest Prioritized Sector and Special Development Sectors which facilities will provide to the entrepreneurs of the Plant and Plant-based products?

  • Reduced and simplified credit facilities.
  • Reduced and simplified export credit facilities.
  • Priority/privilege on Airlines booking.
  • Assisting in the production and marketing of Plant and Plant-based products.
  • Assisting in exploring foreign markets and going global.

Q. Which Plant and Plant-based products have been banned for export for 2021-24?

  • Rice (Except aromatic rice and government to government level exported rice).
  • Jute Seeds.
  • Onions, Garlic and Ginger.
  • All kinds of Dal (except processed).

Q. Which plant and plant-based products can be exported with condition/permission?

  • Aromatic Rice
  • Split mung beans (moong dal)
  • Raw Jute.

Q. Is mentioning the Country of Origin mandatory for the import of goods to Bangladesh?

Yes. According to the Import Policy Order 2021-24, in all cases of import, "country of origin" must be mentioned clearly on the goods, package, or container of such goods.

Q. What is LCA Form?

“L/C Authorization Form (LCA)” means the form prescribed for authorization to open L/C. LCA form is required to open an L/C at any commercial Bank to operate the export or import activities.

Q. What is a Letter of Credit (LC)?

Letter of credit, or "credit letter," also known as a documentary credit or banker's commercial credit, or letter of undertaking, is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. If the buyer cannot make a payment on the purchase, the bank will need to cover the purchase's total or remaining amount. 

While the importer is the applicant of the LC, the exporter is the beneficiary. The principle followed in this case is that the issuing bank will make the payment based solely on the documents presented and when it matches with the terms and conditions of the LC.

Q. What are the required documents for opening Letter of Credit (LC)?

The required documents to open a Letter of Credit (LC) are as follows:

  1. Letter of Credit (LC) application form signed by the importer.
  2. Indents/ Proforma Invoice/ Purchase Agreement.
  3. Insurance Cover Note.
  4. Membership certificate of Chamber of Commerce or relevant Association.
  5. Valid Import Registration Certificate (IRC).
  6. Income Tax Return Certificate or deceleration of Income Tax Payment (3 copies).
  7. Tax Identification Number Certificate.
  8. Attested photocopy of the sanction letter from the administrative Ministry or Division or authority by the public sector.

Q. Is Import Registration Certificate (IRC) required for all sectors?

Import Registration Certificate (IRC) shall not be required for importers of the public sector.

Q. What are the payment procedures for the initial fees and renewal fees of IRC?

The importer needs to deposit the requisite fees of the relevant financial year to the nominated bank via treasury challan and collect and submit the received copy of the treasury challan to the CCI&E office.

Q. What are the testing documents required for the import of food products?

When importing food products from any country, it is mandatory to submit the radioactivity test report provided by the relevant authority of the exporting country along with the shipping documents. This report should mention the level of cesium-137 per kilogram found in the shipping condition of the imported products in the radioactivity test. Additionally, an appropriate certificate stating that the food items are suitable for human consumption will also be required.

Q. What are the requirements for potato seed import?

According to Import Policy Order 2021-2024, Potato seeds (classifiable under HS Heading 07.01) may be imported in accordance with the following provisions, such as-

(a) The LC shall be opened subject to obtaining the import permit issued by the Plant Quarantine Authority for import of potato seeds;

(b) The importer shall submit the Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the government agency of the potato seed exporting country to the office of the Plant Quarantine Authority along with the documents relating to export; and

(c) Before the release of imported potato seeds from the Customs Authority, its quarantine certificate must be obtained from the Plant Quarantine Authority.

Q. What are the requirements for rice seed import?

According to Import Policy Order 2021-2024, rice seeds (classifiable under HS Code No.1006.10of HS Heading No.10.06) shall be importable subject to the following conditions, such as:-

(a) The LC shall be opened subject to obtaining the import permit issued by the Plant Quarantine Authority for import of rice;

(b) The importer shall submit, along with import documents the Quarantine Certificate issued by the competent authority of the exporting country and a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the government agency of rice seed exporting country;

(c) In the case of import of hybrid rice seeds, it has to be mentioned in the phytosanitary certificate that seed has been purified with hot water treatment and with approved pesticides;

(d) Before the release of imported rice seeds from the Customs Authority, its quarantine certificate has to be obtained from the Plant Quarantine Authority.

Q . Does the public sector need clearance for import of plant and plant products?

Yes. According to Import Policy Order 2021-2024, all Ministries or Departments may import goods without import licence or permit against specific allocation given to them by the Government. However, clearance certificate must be taken from the Plant Quarantine Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension.

Q. What are the standard certification requirements for the import of vegetables and fruit juices?

The vegetables and fruit juices must obtain BDS 513:2013 standard certificate from the BSTI.

Q. What are the standard certification requirements for the import of Sauce (Fruits or Vegetables)?

The imported vegetables and fruit sauce must obtain  BDS 512:2007 standard certificate from the BSTI.

Q. What are the Phyto-sanitary requirements for the Export of Plant and Plant-based products (Fresh Vegetables) in the European Market?

The product is free from Fruit Fly (Particularly, Bactocera Dorsalis) and free from Thrips (Particularly Palmi) and must be mentioned in the Phytosanitary Certificate (PC).

Q. What are the requirements for exporting Plant and Plant-based products (Fresh Vegetables) in Middle East Markets?

Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) and good packaging and fresh products.

Q. What are the Phyto-sanitary requirements for the Export of Plant and Plant-based products (lemon,Citrus)) in the European Market?

Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) mentioning the products is free from Canker, Citrus Black Spot, and washed with Sodium OrthoPhenyl Phenate. Besides, the Certificate need to mention that the products are collected from pest and fly-free zone.

Q. What are the Phyto-sanitary requirements for the Export of Plant and Plant-based products (Fruits,Mango)) in the European Market?

The product should be fruit fly-free, particularly Bactrocera Dorsalis free, Pulp weevil free and stone weevil free. The product should be treated with a Hot Water Treatment/Vapour Heat Treatment before packaging. Besides, the Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) is mandatory.

Q. What are the export requirements of Plant and Plant-based products (Potatoes) in Middle East Markets, Vietnam, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Singapore?

Potatoes should be fresh, pest-free and well-packed along with the Phyto Sanitary Certificate.

Q. What are the export requirements of Plant and Plant-based products (Rice) in the USA, Canada, Middle East Markets and the EU?

Rice is free from Khapra Beetle and it must be mentioned in the Phyto Sanitary Certificate.

Q. What are the Import requirements of Plant and Plant-based products (Apple) from China, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Australia, USA?

  • Must have the Import Permit;
  • Products are free from fruit-fly, free from pests must be mentioned in Phyto Sanitary Certificate;
  • Transported via. cold treated container.

Q. What are the Import requirements of Plant and Plant-based products (Fruits, such as Mango, Grapes, Dragon fruit, Asian Pears etc.) imported from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia?


  • The product should be fruit fly free, particularly Bactrocera Dorsalis free, Pulp weevil free and stone weevil free and mentioned in Phyto Sanitary Certificate.

Grapes, Dragon Fruit:

  • Products must be free from Fruit Fly and Mealy bugs and must be mentioned in the Phyto Sanitary Certificate.

Other Fruits:

Products must be free from Fruit Fly, Mealy bugs, Thrips and other insects must be mentioned in the Phyto Sanitary Certificate.

Q. What is Import Permit or Import Registration Certificate (IRC)?

The Import Registration Certificate (IRC) is a registration certificate provided by the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports (CCI&E; to the Industrial and commercial and private importers who wish to import products from foreign countries.

Q. Does the Import Registration Certificate (IRC) mandatory to import products in Bangladesh?

According to the Import Policy Order 2021-24, other than personal consumption, the Import Registration Certificate (IRC) is mandatory for the importation of any kind of goods.

Q. What are the Required Documents for Import Registration Certificate (IRC)?

The following documents are necessary to obtain the Import Registration Certificate (IRC) from CCI&E:

  1. Filled Application form.
  2. Attested copy of the Trade License.
  3. Attested copy of related Chamber of Commerce or Trade Association Certificate.
  4. Bank Solvency Certificate/
  5. E-Tax Identification Certificate.
  6. One copy Passport size photograph of the Applicant.
  7. Attested copy of National Identification Card/ Passport of the Applicant.
  8. Attested copy of the Memorandum and Articles of the Association and Certificate of Incorporation for limited company.
  9. Attested copy of the Registered Share Agreement for Shared Partnership business.
  10. Original Copy of the Treasury Challan (Fee).  

Q. What is Export Permit or Export Registration Certificate (ERC)?

An export Registration Certificate or ERC is a mandatory requirement for business entities for the export of any kind of goods or products from Bangladesh.

Q. Who provides the Export Registration Certificate (ERC)?

The office of the Chief Controller of Imports & Exports (CCI&E) is the sole authority to provide the Export Registration Certificate (ERC) to interested business entities who want to export products from Bangladesh. 

Q. What are the Required Documents to Obtain an Export Registration Certificate (ERC)?

Following documents are necessary to obtain the Export Registration Certificate (ERC) from CCI&E:

  1. Filled Application form.
  2. Attested copy of the Trade License.
  3. Attested copy of related Chamber of Commerce or Trade Association Certificate.
  4. Bank Solvency Certificate.
  5. E-Tax Identification Certificate.
  6. One copy Passport size photograph of the Applicant.
  7. Attested copy of National Identification Card/ Passport of the Applicant.
  8. Attested copy of the Memorandum and Articles of the Association and Certificate of Incorporation for limited company.
  9. Attested copy of the Registered Share Agreement for Shared Partnership business.
  10. Original Copy of the Treasury Challan (Fee).
  11. If a partnership business: Partnership Deed (certified attested copy).
  12. If a limited company: (certified attested copies)
  • Certificate of Incorporation;
  • Articles of Association;
  • Memorandum of Association.

Q. What is the fee for Export Registration Certificate (ERC)?

The initial fee for ERC is Tk. 11,500 (Including VAT) with an annual renewal fee of TK Tk. 8,050 (Including VAT).

Q. What is the Chamber of Commerce Membership Certificate?

The Chamber of Commerce Membership Certificate is the document or Certificate the Chamber of Commerce or Trade Association provides to their valid members. Anyone can get the list of Chamber of Commerce from the Export Promotion Bureau or Director of Trade Organizations, Ministry of Commerce.

Q. Why do the importers need Chamber/Association Certificate?

According to the Import Policy Order 2021-24 the importers  needs to be a member of a government-registered Chamber of Commerce or related trade Association to be able to import or export their products.

Q. What are the associate fees for obtaining the Chamber Membership Certificate?

The fees for the Chamber Membership Certificate vary from Chamber to Chamber and the nature of Membership. For Example, the fee for General Membership of the Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) is TK 29,350.00, and for Associate Membership, the fee is TK 23,150.00 only. For the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dhaka (MCCI), the fees for a) Ordinary member is Tk 40,000/-, and b) Associate member is Tk 30,000/-

Q. What are the required documents to obtain the Chamber Certificate?

The interested exporter or importer can obtain the Membership from any govt. approved and registered Chamber of Commerce. The process and requirements to obtain the Membership Certificate from any Chamber of Commerce or Association are similar. For example, documents required for Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) Membership are as follows:

  1. Signed DCCI Membrship Application Form (original)
  2. Pay-order for DCCI Membership (original)
  3. Trade Licence (an attested copy)
  4. E-TIN Certificate (an attested copy)
  5. Bank Solvency Certificate (an attested copy)
  6. National Identification Card (NID) (an attested copy)
  7. Passport size Photograph (original)
  8. Visiting Card of the company director (original)

For Partnership Company

  1. Deed of Partnership (an attested copy)

Q. Which sector association representing the Plant and Plant-Based products exporters in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Fruits, Vegetables & Allied Products Exporter's Association (BFVAPEA), located at 28/4/2023 Toyenbee Circular Road (5th floor) Suite # 11-12, Motijheel C/A, representing the fresh plant and plant-based products exporters in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Agro-Processors Association (BAPA) ( ) representing the Agro-processed food exporters in Bangladesh.  

Q. What are the documents required for Bangladesh Fruits, Vegetables & Allied Products Exporter's Association (BFVAPEA) Membership?

The following documents are required to obtain the BFVAPEA Membership Certificate:

  1. Signed BFVAPEA Membership Application Form (original)
  2. Pay-order for BFVAPEA Membership (original)
  3. Trade Licence (an attested copy)
  4. Export Registration Certificate (an attested copy)
  5. E-TIN Certificate (an attested copy)
  6. VAT Certificate (an attested copy)
  7. Bank Solvency Certificate (an attested copy)
  8. Sales Contract (an attested copy)
  9. Photo (2 attested copies)

For Bangladeshi Citizen

  1. National Identification Card (NID) (Simple copy + an attested copy)

For Foreign Nationals

  1. Passport for Foreign Nationals (an attested copy)

For Limited Company

  1. Memorandum and Article of Association (an attested copy)

Q. Why do you need the BFVPEA Membership Certificate?

According to import policy order 2021-24, importers need to get the Membership Certificate from the sector-related chamber, which is BFVPEA for the export of Plant and Plant-based products (Fresh Vegetables and Fruits). Besides, the exporters need the Country-of-Origin Certificate for Customs Clearance, which needs to be collected from the related association/chamber.

Q. What is a Country-of-Origin Certificate?

A Certificate of Origin or Declaration of Origin or Country of Origin is a document, used in international trade which attests that the product listed therein is produced in a certain country or territory.

Q. Is mentioning the Country of Origin mandatory to export of Plant and Plant-based products from Bangladesh?

It is mandatory to have the Country-of-Origin Certificate from the relevant Chamber of Association or Trade Body to get Customs Clearance.

Q43. What are Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Measures in international trade?

Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures can take many forms, such as requiring products to come from a disease-free area, an inspection of products, specific treatment or processing of products, and setting maximum allowable levels of pesticide residues or permitted use of only certain additives in food. Sanitary (human and animal health) and Phytosanitary (plant health) measures apply to domestically produced food or local animal and plant products, as well as to products coming from other countries (WTO SPS Measures Agreement). 

Sanitary or phytosanitary measures include all relevant laws, decrees, regulations, requirements and procedures including, inter alia, end product criteria; processes and production methods; testing, inspection, certification and approval procedures; quarantine treatments including relevant requirements associated with the transport of animals or plants, or with the materials necessary for their survival during transport; provisions on relevant statistical methods, sampling procedures and methods of risk assessment; and packaging and labelling requirements directly related to food safety.

Q. Who provides the Phyto-Sanitary Certificate in Bangladesh?

The Plant Quarantine Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension is the sole authority to provide Phyto-Sanitary Certificate (PC) in Bangladesh.

Q. Are Phytosanitary Certificates (PC) mandatory?

According to the Article 19(2) and 18 of Plant Quarantine Act 2011 and Rule 9 of Plant Quarantine Rules 2018, the Phytosanitary (PC) Certificate is mandatory for the Plant and Plant-based products’ export and Import.

Q. What is Pest-free Certificate and who provides it?

The Pest-free Certificate is supposed to be provided by the authorized officer of the National Plant Protection Authority subject to pest risk analysis. However, in some cases local Agriculture Officers issue certificates that may provide some information about absence of particular pest in some plant products. They do it  after the physical inspection of the products before transportation for export.

Q. What is contract farming?

The contract farming is a pre-harvesting agreement,  between farmers (producers) and buyers wherein both agree on the terms and conditions for the production and marketing of farm products. The agreement usually illustrates the minimum price to be paid to the farmer while the buyer receives the guarantee about the quantity and quality of a certain amount of product. Generally, the agreement also includes detailed information on production process and inputs along with technical guidance from the buyer.

Q. Why Contract Farming is necessary to export Plant and Plant-based product?

Contract farming is mandatory to export of Plant and Plant-based products from Bangladesh to some major foreign markets, such as European Union.

Q. What is Horticulture Products Exporters Registration Certificate?

To export the Plant and Plant-based products from Bangladesh, the exporter needs to be registered to the Plant Quarantine Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension as the Horticulture Products Exporter and collect the Horticulture Products Exporters Registration Certificate.

Q. What are the associate cost to obtain the Horticulture Products Exporters Registration Certificate?

The Horticulture Products Exporters Registration Certificate is free of cost.

Q. What are the required documents to obtain the Horticultural Products Exporter Registration?

The following documents are required to be submitted along with the Application Form for obtaining Horticultural Products Exporter Registration:

  1. National ID of the applicant.
  2. Export Registration Certificate (ERC). (attested copy)
  3. Vegetable/Fruit Production Contract.  (attested copy)
  4. Trade Licence.  (attested copy)
  5. VAT Registration Certificate (BIN Number).  (attested copy)
  6. E-TIN Certificate.  (attested copy)
  7. BFVAPEA Membership Certificate. (attested copy)

Q. What is Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) Enrolment Certificate?

To export the Plant and Plant-based products from Bangladesh, the exporters need to be enrolled at Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) as a registered Plant and Plant-based product exporters.

Q. What is the fee for the EPB Enrolment Certificate

The fee for the (EPB) Enrolment Certificate is TK 2,000.00. Exporter can pay the fee in any scheduled bank in Bangladesh and collect the pay-order in favor of Export Promotion Bureau and submit it to the EPB office.

Q. What are the required documents to obtain the EPB Enrolment Certificate?

The list of required documents to obtain EPB Enrolment Certificate is as follows:

  1.  Application Letter for EPB Enrolment Certificate (original; the name of the exporter and the address of the firm/company should be written both in Bengali and English;
  2. Pay-order for EPB Enrollment Certificate (original)
  3.  Export Registration Certificate (an attested copy)
  4.  BFVAPEA Membership Certificate (an attested copy)
  5.  Trade Licence (an attested copy)
  6. E-TIN Certificate ( an attested copy)
  7. Passport size Photo (2 attested copies)
  8. VAT Certificate (an attested copy)

Q. Who are the Customs Clearing and Forwarding (C&F) Agents, and what is their role in the customs clearing process?

Clearing and forwarding (C&F) agents are the agents approved by the Bangladesh Customs to conduct and complete the export & import-related customs clearance formalities, coordinating with the carrier and taking care of all shipping and delivery-related activities.

Exporters or importers can communicate with any C&F agent authorized by Customs authority and a member of Dhaka Customs Agents Association (DCAA) to complete their export or import-related customs formalities via Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka. To perform the customs formalities via Chittagong port, export or importers need to contact with any C&F agents authorized by Customs authority  and the member of the Chittagong Customs Clearing and Forwarding Agents Association.

Q. What are the required documents to sign contract with the C&F agents?

The list of required documents is as follows:

  1. Authorization Certificate for C&F Agent (original)
  2. Commercial Invoice (an attested copy)
  3. Declaration Form (original)
  4. Export Permission (ExP) Form (an attested copy); ExP Form is provided by the bank where the exporter maintains his/her account.
  5. Sales Contract (an attested copy)
  6. VAT Certificate (an attested copy)
  7. Phytosanitary Certificate (original)
  8. Packing List (original)

Q. What is the Procedure of Completing Customs Clearance for the export of Plant and Plant-based products?

The procedure of completing custom clearance for the export of Plant and Plant-based products is as follows:

  1. Submission of Bill of Export
  2. Initial Examination
  3. Obtaining Airway Bill/Bill of Lading and the Gate Pass
  4. Physical Examination of Products Cartons by Customs
  5. Scanning the Cartons.
  6. Return of Approved Shipping Bill.
  7. Ship the Products of Cartons.

Q. What is Shipping Bill?

The shipping bill is an essential document issued by the Bangladesh Customs Authority after the exporter applies to acquire this bill. This bill is the mandatory required document to complete the customs clearance, load the goods, and claim duty drawbacks.

Q. What are the required documents to obtain the Shipping bill?

The required documents are as follows:

  1. Export L/C or T/T or Purchase order or LCA; if there is no export L/C, Export Contract or Purchase Order or Export Guarantee approved by the negotiating bank.
  2. Commercial invoice containing detailed description of goods and signed by the exporter.
  3. Packing list containing quantity, weight and packing information.
  4. EXP form certified by Authorized Dealers (ADs) to ensure the realization of export proceeds.
  5. Certificate of Origin of export goods (issued by EPB or Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
  6. VAT registration certificate.
  7. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) issued by Income Tax Department under the NBR.
  8. Export Registration Certificate.
  9. Phytosanitary certificate as per the requirement of the country of export (issued by the Plant Quarantine Wing of the DAE).

Q. What is the process of getting the final approval from Customs?

Answer: The first step is to submit all the required documents to the Office of the Revenue Officer of the Customs house. After checking all documents, the Revenue Officer assigns an Assistant Revenue Officer to examine the goods.

The second step is to get the assessment report: The Assistant Revenue Officer will physically examine the goods and provide an assessment report.

The third step is to get the final assessment report: The assessment report needs to be submitted to the Office of Assistant Commissioner, Customs, and if the report and required documents fulfill the conditions, the final assessment report is provided by the Customs house.

Q. What are the required documents of getting final approval of Customs?

The list of required documents is as follows:

For Initial Assessment:

  1. Declaration Form (original + an attested copy)
  2. Shipping Bill (Assessed Copy) (original)
  3. Phytosanitary Certificate (original)
  4. Export Permission (ExP) Form (original); ExP Form is provided by the bank where the exporter maintains his/her account.
  5. Commercial Invoice (original)
  6. Packing List (original)
  7. Airways Bill (original)
  8. Sales Contract (original)

For Final Assessment Report

  1. Final Examination Report (original)

Q. What is the Procedure for Space Reservation in Airways?

The exporter can export their Plant and Plant-based products via Bangladesh Biman or other commercial airways. To export via Bangladesh Biman, the exporter of Plant and Plant-based Products can get the subsidized fare rate to export their product (Export Policy Order 2021-24). The exporter needs to reserve the space on Biman Bangladesh airways in advance. The exporter has to be a member of the Bangladesh Fruits, Vegetables and Allied Products Exporter's Association (BFVAPEA) to be able to send his cargo by Bangladesh Biman. The exporters inform the Association over the phone about their consignment. The Association makes a list of exporters and the size/weight of each consignment and sends it to Bangladesh Biman. Based on their request and depending on space availability, Biman Bangladesh allocates space and confirms the reservation.

Q. What is the procedure to obtain and pay the airways bills?

If the Export gets the space confirmation of Biman Bangladesh through the recommendation from BFVAPEA, the exporter needs to pay the bills at the Accounts Section of the Biman Bangladesh, located at the Cargo Village area of the Dhaka Customs house. If the exporter would like to export their plant and plant-based products other than Biman Bangladesh, they need to collect the airways bills from the office of respected airlines via paying necessary airfare.

Q. What is Global G.A.P?

It is a brand which provides smart farm assurance solutions. It was developed by FoodPLUS GmbH in cologne, Germany, in collaboration with producer producers, retailers, and other stakeholders from across the food industry. GLOBAL G.A.P provides solutions for standards for safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) is the most widely used GLOBALG.A.P standard, which is applicable for fruits, vegetables, aquaculture, floriculture, livestock, and more. (Source: Golbal GAP).

Q. What is Organic Certification?

Organic Certification is a process that certifies organic food producers as well as other organic agricultural goods. Any business directly involved in food production, including seed suppliers, farmers, food processors, retailers, and restaurants, can be certified. Organic certification enables a farm or processing facility to sell, label, and market their products as organic.

Q. What is Organic Agriculture?

‘Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasises the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally and mechanical methods, as opposed to using synthetic materials, to fulfil any specific function within the system." (FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1999).

Organic Agriculture combines tradition, innovation, and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and good quality of life for all involved. (Source: IFOAM General Assembly, 2008).                                                                                                                                                                           

Q. What are the Maximum Residue Levels of Pesticides?

A maximum residue level (MRL) is the highest level of pesticide residue that is legally tolerated in or on food or feed when pesticides are applied correctly (Source: Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)

Q. What is Product Traceability?

Traceability or product tracing is defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as “the ability to follow the movement of a food through specified stage(s) of production, processing and distribution”. Traceability within food control systems is applied as a tool to control food hazards, provide reliable product information and guarantee product authenticity.

Q. What is ISO 22000?

ISO 22000 is an internationally recognized standard that combines the ISO9001 approach to food safety management and HACCP to ensure food safety at all levels. The standard maps out how an organization can demonstrate its ability to control safety hazards to ensure that food is safe. Any organization can use ISO 22000 within the food supply chain. (Source: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)).

Q. What is Labelling Requirements?

Labelling enables product identification. It is a part of branding that provides detailed information about the product. It’s a subset of packaging that focuses on conveying the brand, product, and industry-related information to the customer through the product. The labelling requirements mean the descriptions, text, design, symbol, logo, instructions and suggestions for usage etc., of the packed products must be labelled clearly on the package.

Q. What is a Packing list?

A packing list is a document used in international trade. It provides the exporter, international freight forwarder, and ultimate consignee with information about the shipment, including how it is packed, the dimensions and weight of each package, and the marks and numbers that are noted on the outer side of the boxes (Source: Freight right).

Q. What is Price Quotation?

The Price Quotation is a written commercial document, usually an exporter sends to the importer the fixed price of the products, and the importer is willing to source/import from the exporter. It helps in building customer relationships through greater transparency, openness and trust. The contents of the quotation should include the following-

  • Quotation number, date of issue and validity period.
  • Total cost and break up price of each component.  
  • Applicable terms and conditions.
  • Business details including the name and address and contact details.
  • Date by which the order must be made.
  • Incidental costs, if any.

Q. What is Pro Forma Invoice?

A pro forma invoice is a preliminary bill or estimated invoice used to request payment from the committed buyer for goods or services before they are supplied.

It typically contains a date of issue, a description of what's being sold, and the total amount of the sale, as well as any taxes or fees that may be incurred. A proforma invoice looks very similar to an invoice, however the difference between the two lies with the flexibility in terms that are changeable in proforma invoice. This document does not have a unique and sequential invoice number. It must be labelled as proforma. Usually, a proforma invoice is issued after the customer makes commitment to the purchase, but the final details of the sale are yet to be confirmed. proforma invoice templates generally include:

  • The date of issue.
  • Contact details for both the buyer and the seller.
  • Details of the goods or services, and their agreed prices.
  • VAT and other applicable taxes.
  • Shipping costs, if any.
  • The total amount due.

Q. What is a Bill of lading?

Bill of lading (BOL) is one of the most important documents in the shipping process. A Bill of Lading (BL or BoL) is a legal document that is issued to a shipper by a carrier and it includes the description of type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. It  establishes an agreement between a shipper and a transportation company for the transportation of goods. A completed BOL legally shows that the carrier has received the freight as described and is obligated to deliver that freight in good condition to the consignee.

Q. What is an Invoice or Commercial Invoice?

An invoice or commercial invoice is a required document for the export and import clearance process. It is a time-stamped commercial document that itemizes and records a buyer and seller transaction. If goods or services are purchased on credit, the invoice usually specifies the terms and conditions of the deal and provides information on the available payment methods. It is sometimes used for foreign exchange purposes. In the buyer country, it is the document that is used by their customs officials to assess import duties and taxes.

Q. What is an Insurance Certificate for Export or Import Shipment?

An insurance company or broker issues a Certificate of Insurance (COI). In the case of export or import shipments, an Insurance Certificate certifies that the exporter or the importer has bought an insurance policy for cargo on board. During the transportation of the goods, any accident could increase the liability, and significant losses may occur. Therefore, an exporter or importer can minimize losses due to unseen causes or conditions by purchasing insurance coverage. A standard COI lists the policyholder's name, policy effective date, the type of coverage, policy limits, and other essential policy details.

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