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USA: Cybersecurity Labeling for Internet of Things

Updated on : 24-07-2024

USA: Cybersecurity Labeling for Internet of Things

In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) seeks comment on additional items to further the efficient and timely rollout of the IoT Labeling program. These items include the format of Cybersecurity Label Administrator (CLA) and Lead Administrator applications; filing fees for CLA applications; criteria for selecting CLAs and the Lead Administrator; CLA sharing of Lead Administrator expenses; Lead Administrator neutrality; processes for withdrawal of CLA and Lead Administrator approvals; recognition of CyberLABs outside the United States; complaint processes; confidentiality and security requirements; and the IoT registry.Comments are due on or before 19 August 2024; reply comments are due on or before 3 September 2024. Comments on section II.B are due on or before 19 August 2024.89 Federal Register (FR) 58312, Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 8

This current and previous actions notified under the symbol G/TBT/N/USA/2041 are identified by PS Docket No. 23-239. The Docket Folder is available on the FCC's website at and provides access to associated documents. Filings on the proceeding are accessible at Documents are also accessible from the FCC's Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS) by searching the PS Docket Number ( Comments are due on or before 19 August 2024; reply comments are due on or before 3 September 2024. WTO Members and their stakeholders are asked to submit comments to the USA TBT Enquiry Point by or before 4pmEastern Time on 3 September 2024. Comments received by the USA TBT Enquiry Point from WTO Members and their stakeholders will be shared with the FCC and will also be submitted to the FCC Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) if received within the comment period.

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