Potential new items that Bangladesh can export to Brazil
HS code |
Brazil's import from the world (Million USD) |
Applied tariff of Brazil for Bangladesh (%) |
400110 |
34.0 |
4.0 |
854430 |
319.7 |
16.0 |
310530 |
119.2 |
0.0 |
110814 |
2.4 |
10.0 |
3103XX |
346.5 |
6.0 |
551011 |
171.5 |
18.0 |
071333 |
90.7 |
5.0 |
310559 |
546.2 |
0.0 |
520523 |
12.3 |
18.0 |
130190 |
3.3 |
3.6 |
Source: ITC Export Potential Map
Bangladesh can tap the export potential of natural rubber latex (400110), (Ignition) wiring sets of vehicles (854430), and diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate (310530).