SPS Application Form | This form would be required for SPS procedures. And, the relevant agency where it needs to be submitted is the Department of Agricultural Extension. | Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE - Plan Auarantine Wing) | 06-05-2015 |  |
DAE_Plant Protection Wing_ Application form | This application form is required for DAE_Plant Protection Wing. After filling it out properly the form would be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture. | Ministry of Agriculture | 06-05-2015 |  |
Application Form for Import of Gas Cylinder | While importing Gas Cylinders this form needs to be filled out with required details and submitted to Department of Explosives. | Department of Explosives | 30-04-2015 |  |
Application Form for Import of LP Gas | The concerned agency for approving this form is the Department of Explosives. While importing LP Gas this needs to be filled out with authentic details. | Department of Explosives | 30-04-2015 |  |
Application Form for Import of Calcium Carbide | While importing Calcium Carbide this form, properly filled out, needs to be approved from the department of explosives. | Department of Explosives | 30-04-2015 |  |
Application Form for Import of Explosive Items | This application Form needs to be submitted to the Department of Explosives while importing explosive items. | Department of Explosives | 30-04-2015 |  |
LP Gas Declaration Application Form | Prior to importing LP Gas, it needs to be declared by submitting this application form. Most of the fields in the form are mandatory and needs to be filled out properly. | Department of Explosives | 30-04-2015 |  |
GSP Application Form for Textiles | The concerned agency for GSP Application Form is EPB. Generalized Systems of Preferences is approved based on this application. | Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) | 12-04-2015 |  |
Plant and Plant Product Import Permit Form | Plant and Plant Product Import Permit Form needs to be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture once properly filled out with required details. | Ministry of Agriculture | 31-03-2015 |  |
SPS Application Form to release imported goods | The relevant agency where this form will need to be submitted to is the Department of Agriculture Extension. The form will be required in SPS procedures. | Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE - Plan Auarantine Wing) | 30-03-2015 |  |