The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

LPG Import License

View Procedure

Procedure NameLPG Import License

LPG Import License

Category                                                              : License

Issuing Agency                                                  : Department of Explosives

Incumbent Office                                                : Name: Department of Explosives

Address: 12 std. Commissioner Building Campus,

Shed No.-02 Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000

Phone: 02-9345258

Fax: 880-2-9351821



Legal Basis of the certificate:                            :LPG Rules 2004


Required Documents to get permission for LC opening


Document Name



Application in Prescribed form (Form D)



LPG Storage License

Issued by Department of Explosives


Copy of Treasury Challan  


Required Documents to get NOC


Copy of Invoice

A copy of the original duly attested by a First Class gazette officer


Bill of Lading

A copy of the original duly attested by a First Class gazette officer


Packing List

A copy of the original duly attested by a First Class gazette officer


Certificate of Origin



Test Certificate 





Process Steps

Step 1

Collects prescribed Application Form   (Form D)

Step 2

Fill in the Application Form

Step 3

Gathers the required documents and attaches them with Application

Step 4

Deposits Fee & Collects Money Receipt

Step 5

Submits the Application to the Chief Inspector of Explosives

Step 6

Concerned section  receives the application and go through the papers

Step 7

Department of Explosives verifies the documents & takes decision

Step 7

Issuance of LC Opening Permission 

Step 8

LC Opening by Applicant

Step 9

Submitting Invoice, Bill of Lading and Packing list, Certificate of Origin (CO), Waybill  & Test Certificate  to  Chief Inspector of Explosives

Step 10

Concerned section  receives the documents and go through the papers

Step 11

Department of Explosives (DOE )verifies the documents & takes decision

Step 12

Issuance of NOC

Step 13

Applicant collects submit NOC to Customs Office 

Step 14

Applicant discharges goods

Approximate Processing Time for issuing the allotment: 17 days

Process Map


CategoryDepartment of Explosive

The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
The concerned agency for approving this form is the Department of Explosives. While importing LP Gas this needs to be filled out with authentic details. 30-04-201509-10-2017 This is Dowload File
Prior to importing LP Gas, it needs to be declared by submitting this application form. Most of the fields in the form are mandatory and needs to be filled out properly. 30-04-201509-10-2017 This is Dowload File
The title of the form is Form D. The form will be submitted to the Department of Explosives office to receive the LPG Storage License. Please click the PDF mark to view or download the form in Bangla.22-09-201509-10-2017 This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Permit required for private sector import of LPGPermit Requirement permission from the Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources is required. (f) Condensate shall be importable subject to following conditions: (1) Condensate can be imported only by the owners of approved fractionation plants for use in their own plants; (2) The enterprise shall have to make contract with BPC as per Bangladesh Petroleum Act, 1974 (Act LXIX of 1974) and related rules and regulations issued by Government time to time including provisions of this Act shall be applicable for the importer; Permit required for private sector import of LPGImport Policy Order 2015-1830-06-2018Good