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USA: Salmonella Framework for Raw Poultry Products

Updated on : 01-09-2024

USA: Salmonella Framework for Raw Poultry Products

FSIS is announcing its proposed determination that raw chicken carcasses, chicken parts, comminuted chicken, and comminuted turkey products contaminated with certain Salmonella levels and serotypes are adulterated within the meaning of the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA). The proposed determination would establish final product standards based on these Salmonella levels and serotypes and would prevent raw chicken carcasses, chicken parts, comminuted chicken, and comminuted turkey products that contain Salmonella at the levels and serotypes that would render them adulterated from entering commerce. FSIS is also proposing to revise the regulations that require that all poultry slaughter establishments develop, implement, and maintain written procedures to prevent contamination by enteric pathogens throughout the entire slaughter and dressing operation to clarify that these procedures must include a microbial monitoring program (MMP) that incorporates statistical process control (SPC) monitoring methods, to require sampling at rehang instead of pre-chill, and to require that all establishments conduct paired sampling at rehang and post-chill.

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